For Parents and Families
Dear Parents and Families,
Thank you for considering study abroad as an option for your student. Your consideration shows that you recognize the tremendous value study abroad has as an investment in your student's future.
We know that you may have questions about the study abroad process. We've posted information on our site's public-facing pages to answer questions frequently asked by students and their families. Please peruse for that information and an orientation on our office and the services we provide.
The Office of International Programs will be here with your student and you every step of the way. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.
“Personally, [study abroad] helped me grow as a person. I feel like I’m more confident now because I did that by myself because I organized it all by myself. Even when my mom came to visit and I picked her up from the airport, she said ‘You seem so much older and well traveled!’"
Tahera Rahman, Alicante, Spain
“My dad and my mom always brag that they have three daughters who have gone to Africa. Even though they were terrified because I don’t think they understand what the country or continent is like. My dad was afraid for me but also proud at the same time.”
Nia Lewis, Accra, Ghana
“I think my parents were really supportive. They were like ' need to see more of the world.'”
Yun Tai, Rome
“I was the first and still am the only person in my family to have studied abroad. [My parents] were very supportive because they knew it was an amazing experience that very few people get the opportunity to do and they thought it was great that I wanted to go."
Devon Langston, Spain