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Prospects : Home

Welcome! Tell us a bit about yourself and let us know what you are interested in.
Contact information and interests

Contact information


Please provide an email address.

Additional information

Do you have particular programs or countries in which you're interested? If yes, please indicate which ones. Please see the program list at

Please rate the following priorities in terms of level of importance to your study abroad experience:
(1– very important, 2 – important, 3 – not very important)
___ Program Cost/Financial Aid
___ Courses Offered
___ Internship/Volunteering Opportunities
___ Location
___ Language Acquisition
___ Cultural Exploration and/or Connecting with Ancestry
___Other: _________________________
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Don't include the leading zeros in your ID number. (If you're not currently a LUC student, enter the number zero).
(numeric data only: 0-9 and decimal point)
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By using this page, you authorize Loyola University Chicago, its Office of International Programs, and Loyola's other global engagement-related offices to record the email address and phone number you provide on this site and to contact you via those means and/or via your contact information on file in LOCUS for the purpose of providing you information on Loyola study abroad programs.